Working with a Design Insurance Specialist

Working with a Design Insurance Specialist

By: Ken McComb A while ago, I got a call for help from a producer who writes a growing engineering firm.  This engineering firm secured a design contract on a large project.  The prime design firm on this project had a contractual requirement that all sub-design firms...
Demanding General Contractors and How to Meet Them Halfway

Demanding General Contractors and How to Meet Them Halfway

Some of the most frequently asked questions we hear are triggered by the disparities between the insurance coverage available to design professionals and the demands made for coverage by general contractors and their standard contracts. This is a nuanced area, and you...
Errors and Omissions Insurance for General Contractors

Errors and Omissions Insurance for General Contractors

Errors and omissions (E&O) insurance protects professionals from mistakes in contracts, including items that were left out of the contract. When these items are discovered after the contract has been signed, it can result in a costly lawsuit. E&O insurance...
Small Projects Carry Risks Too

Small Projects Carry Risks Too

JUST A RABBIT? SMALL PROJECTS CAN BITE Who doesn’t love a good Monty Python reference? With our latest ProNetwork Newsletter, Just a Rabbit? Small Projects Can Bite, we’ve proven that the classic moments in Monty Python and the Holy Grail can be made analogous to...
Business Interruption & Business Expense Insurance

Business Interruption & Business Expense Insurance

BUSINESS INTERRUPTION AND BUSINESS EXPENSE INSURANCE While Business Property Insurance covers the cost of lost property, in many instances the loss caused by the interruption of business can exceed the amount of physical damage. Business Interruption generally...
Reviewing Hazardous Materials

Reviewing Hazardous Materials

How should I review hazardous materials found on the project site? Your contract for professional services should clearly state you are not responsible or liable for any hazardous materials found on the project site. Your contract for professional services should...